關於我們 Our Story


軍智和靈雨是前同事 - 軍智是本地化工程師,靈雨當時負責管理繁體中文版 (包括香港版) 的品質。軍智一開始就對靈雨的香港口音很有好感。不過,等到他們正式交往已經是一年多後 (2005 年 10 月) 的事了 。


軍智在 2011 年 12 月 31 日求婚。那年年底,他們在美國洛杉機探望靈雨的家人。除夕夜,在妹妹家,靈雨的父母也在,一家人圍坐在餐桌邊享用龍蝦火鍋。大夥吃得非常盡興,邊喝酒聊天時,妹妹說這真是太完美了,沒想到軍智會接口說:「在這麼完美的時刻,我也有些話想說。」然後就跪下來當眾求婚了。靈雨當然答應了他。大家都很興奮。不過要數當時最興奮的沒人比得過 Vinny (Vinny 的照片在下方)  ;-)


How Alex & Rain Met 

They met at work. Alex worked as a localization engineer when Rain joined as a language lead at the same company. Although Rain's Cantonese accent left an impression from the very beginning, it was more than a year later (Oct, 2005) when they started dating.

The Proposal

Alex proposed on Dec 31, 2011 when he was visiting Rain's family in LA. The family had lobster hotpot for dinner and were sitting at the table, sipping wine and enjoying the moment. It was Rain's sister, Haylie, who said, "How perfect this is! We should be doing this more often" when Alex followed by saying "At this perfect moment I have something to say" then he got down on one knee next to Rain and asked if Rain would marry him, and of course she said yes! Everyone was excited, especially Haylie's dog, Vinny (see Vinny's picture below) ;-)